BBC Listings viewer for Android

Posted by jimblackler on Feb 19, 2009


For Android phone owners in the UK, BBC Listings is a viewer and search assistant for the BBC’s TV and Radio schedules.

Users select from a list of channels, then view the schedules for that channel, one day at a time. Clicking on a program shows you a synopsis, and allows you to add a reminder to your Google calendar. Sky+ users can set their Sky+ boxes to record BBC TV programs by a text message.

(This message is prepared by the application and sent from the phone, but requires the phone to be registered for the Remote Record service with Sky. Refer to the Sky website for how to register, and costs and limitations of the Sky+ text message Remote Record service.)


Because it gets its data from the BBC’s web services, internet access is required. Currently, one week’s worth of future listings and one week’s worth of past listings are available.

To search the listings press Menu and Search. Results are returned sorted by channel and then by date.


Look for the application in the Android market (requires a UK registered mobile) or download it directly here


This application is free software. Supported by


0.9.1 : The first published version.


If you have any comments or queries about this application, please leave them on this blog.